Astute city leaders know that developing a smart city is essential for attracting residents, visitors, and businesses – and for stimulating overall economic and social property. They also understand the need to establish necessary infrastructure today that can support smart city transformation tomorrow.

The overarching goals of a smart city are to enhance the quality of life for citizens, improve city operations, and address issues such as: 

  • Accessibility 
  • Healthcare 
  • Transportation 
  • Waste Management 
  • Day-to-day conveniences and communication

The path to a smart city varies from one city to the next based on factors such as size, population, and location. There are, however, a combination of factors that apply to cities nationwide. Some of these components include a long-term strategy, innovative technology, and 5G wireless networks. 

A strong foundational infrastructure is also critical for allowing the flood of connected devices to send and receive all the information they’re collecting in real-time, without interference. This includes broadband systems, fiber optic cabling, fiber-less technologies, premium wireless infrastructure, and scalable systems.

City leaders with a keen understanding of the necessary steps, the resources they’ll require and how to tie it all together have the necessary tools to put their city on the right path to building a smarter city. 

Want to learn more about smart cities and the steps city planners and leaders can take to get there? Download Hylan’s newest eBook, authored by Hylan VP of Business Development, Robert Bianco, titled: “A Guide to Smart Infrastructure – What City Planners and Managers Need to Know.” 




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