Looking back at the past year, it’s clear 2022 was a time of incredible growth and progress for Hylan. From new hires and new partnerships to market expansions and major deals, we’ve made great strides in positioning ourselves for continued success in 2023 and beyond.

Of course, it’s important to remember success doesn’t come easy. It takes a dedicated team, a willingness to adapt and evolve, and commitment to building strong relationships with our partners and clients. Looking back on the past year, it’s unmistakable that all of these elements came together to make 2022 a rousing success for the entire Hylan family.


This year we welcomed back the exceptional Crystal DeNatale as our new Chief Financial Officer, who oversees the financial operations at all four Hylan divisions, including Hylan Datacom & Electrical, Hylan West, Down Under Construction, and Western Utility.

This announcement was especially exciting, as it marked Crystal’s return to the Hylan family, where she’d previously served as controller and CFO for us from 1994 to 2004, the year Hylan relocated our headquarters to New Jersey.

The Hylan family couldn’t be happier for Crystal’s return, and her leadership has already set up the company for success in 2023.

Partnership with Global InterXchange

Just one month later in July, Hylan announced our partnership with Global InterXchange, LLC (GIX), on a metro dark fiber network build via the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) tunnel. This new network will run between 60 Hudson Street and 165 Halsey Street, making GIX the first diverse carrier-neutral dark fiber company to construct through the southernmost Hudson River Crossing train tunnels in 20 years.

When completed, the tunnel will provide the lowest latency to financial, telecom and colocation facilities in and around Northern New Jersey and Lower Manhattan. The deployment is completely buried, protecting it from damage, and it includes double-locking manholes, minimal splicing points and is a direct, end-to-end solution.

This is a groundbreaking project, and the Hylan team couldn’t be more excited to be partnering with GIX to make it happen. (Stay tuned for more news coming out this quarter!)

Other Wins from the Year

2022 also saw the expansion of Hylan West into Texas and Iowa, bringing the company’s high-quality solutions to more people in more places. Hylan also struck several new deals, including one with a leading US provider of voice and data network communications, involving construction on a long haul network from New York City to the Canadian border via the Hylan Datacom & Electrical division, bringing more service to more people throughout the state of New York.

Wrapping Up…

2022 was a year of growth, innovation, and progress for the Hylan family, and we can’t wait to see what the coming year will bring as we continue building a better future for our clients, partners, and employees.

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