SR Accountant Office Mgr. SW Region
It is time once again for another installment of Get to Know Our Hylan Family! This month, we travel to the west coast to Hylan West to meet Susie Ebersole. Susie is a Senior Accountant Office Manager for the Southwest Region of Hylan West. Keep reading to learn a little more about Susie.
Tell us about what led you to your position at Hylan West.
I was working for another telecommunications contractor in the Phoenix area when an employee from Cox recommended me to Tetra Tech, which is now Hylan West. I was working a crazy number of hours for months on end and figured I had nothing to lose by accepting an interview. I was immediately drawn by the small business atmosphere and a general feeling of “team” and concern for the well-being of their employees. I have been in this industry for over 30 years, a business owner for more than 19 years and I will be celebrating my ninth year here. I can’t imagine being anywhere else!
What do you most enjoy about working for Hylan West, and Hylan as a whole?
Everyone is family. No matter where we come from or whatever walks of life led us to Hylan West, we accept each other and truly care for each and every employee. When we see or hear of a need or crisis within our family, there is no hesitation to pitch in and help out. I am so fortunate to work with an incredible team day in and day out. I would rather not even use the word “employee” because we truly are family!
Any recent exciting projects at Hylan West that you can tell us about?
We are heading into the holiday season and every year we gear up our giving project. We have, for several years now, adopted foster homes, providing Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Year in and year out we have been able to provide each foster child we “adopt” with nearly every single gift on their wish list. The best part is delivering these presents and seeing the sparkle in their eyes! Last year, we also raffled off donated prizes to raise funds for “Lighthouse for Hope,” a local organization that provides daily needs for families of children undergoing cancer treatment. We are all so fortunate, especially this year, to have great jobs. And what better way to show appreciation for our good fortune than to share with those who aren’t as fortunate.
What are you most looking forward to in 2021 with Hylan West?
I am always up for a challenge and am definitely looking forward to transitioning from Foundation to Sage-Timberline. I am eager for the learning opportunity my team will be part of with internal changes to duties and processes in relation to this transition. It can be exhausting but also so exciting to learn new programs!
2020 has been an eventful year for all. What is your biggest takeaway from the challenges of this year?
Wow, where do I begin?! We are experiencing unprecedented times: a pandemic, civil unrest, and an election like no other. Our world changed overnight and it will never be the same. As easy as it has been to be incredibly discouraged about what is happening around us, life continues on. Our Hylan West family has welcomed at least three new babies into the world! Many of us have successfully navigated the realities of working remotely along with balancing kids in and out of school. My advice is to keep it simple and keep your “world” small. Shut out the noise and the things you cannot change and focus on those around you. We have shown the fight within our hearts and souls to keep going, pushing forward to better times ahead. We are resilient and nothing can stop us as long as we do this together!
Where do you live?
My husband of almost 38 years and I live in Henderson, Nevada but spend a significant amount of time in Arizona with our four adult children, their
spouses and significant others and two of these sweetest granddaughters ever!
Where did you go to school or get training?
I attended Northwest State Community College in Ohio. Although I received my educational foundation in accounting there, nothing compares to what I’ve learned being in the business for so many years.
Now, just to get a little personal! Tell us what you like to do in your free time.
Everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE sports! Football and baseball are my favorite – Go Steelers! I treasure every opportunity to watch my eight-year-old granddaughter play baseball on the Rockford Peaches, and play basketball. Time with my family is always comedy central! My husband and I also enjoy hiking whenever possible and we work out regularly.
As we come to the end of a truly unique year, we are especially grateful for Hylan Family members like Susie. We always say that we would not be the industry leader that we are if not for our incredibly dedicated employees. Join us as we thank Susie and other Hylan Family members like her for keeping us positive through challenging times and helping us work towards our goals as a company. See you in December for the final installment of the series in 2020!