Next Thursday, April 16th, Hylan Chairman of the Board, Robert DiLeo will be speaking on JSA’s Virtual Roundtable series on COVID-19,  discussing the impact that the global pandemic is having on Smart Cities and the Internet of Things (IoT). Mr. DiLeo will be joined by experts from TBI Inc., eX2 Technology, LLC, Redline Communications, and roundtable moderator Peter Murray from Dense Networks

As businesses close temporarily and people across the nation have been ordered to stay home by state and federal governments, our networks are overwhelmed. From the date that President Trump first declared the pandemic a national emergency, internet usage across the US increased 20%. Many of us are now working from home, adjusting to the new reality, connecting virtually via conference platforms  and engaging in socially-distant leisure activities such as streaming movies and TV shows or online gaming. This sudden surge of network usage has caused a strain on our infrastructure.  

Here at Hylan,  as telecom infrastructure and construction specialists, we understand that continuing on with our essential projects and maintenance is paramount to ensure that we as a nation can all remain connected. With so many aspects of life uncertain right now, one thing you can be certain about is our dedication to our customers and partners.

We are living in unprecedented times, meaning the way we execute and plan Smart City and IoT projects will drastically change going forward. Not only are we living differently now, but what will our “new normal” look like post COVID-19? Please join Mr. DiLeo on Thursday, April 16th from 1-2pm ET to be part of this critical discussion.

The first 100 registrants to the JSA Virtual Roundtable will also receive a free lunch. To register, click here



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