Curious about some of the real life examples of work Hylan has completed? We have the perfect resource! Our newly released case study details the exciting MegaSuite 6 expansion project we worked on with DataGryd in 2019. The case study showcases the kind of service and team that Datagryd was looking for and how Hylan’s experience and expertise made our company the perfect candidate to carry out the project.
DataGryd CEO Tom Brown knew that Hylan would be right for the project. The company was seeking a partner who would be able to provide support at every stage – from planning to implementation – and Hylan’s “cradle to grave” solutions were a perfect fit. When asked about working with Hylan on the project and if the team would be interested in working with Hylan again in the future, Brown had the following to say: “As we look to further expand within our footprint we would continue to leverage the work they have already completed. Hylan has a great team from the Board on down. It was a pleasure working with them.”
If you’re still wondering why you should choose Hylan for your next project, give the case study a read by clicking here.