Hylan Chairman of the Board, Robert DiLeo recently spoke on JSA’s Virtual Roundtable series on COVID-19, discussing the impact that the global pandemic is having on Smart Cities and the Internet of Things (IoT). Joined by experts from TBI Inc., eX2 Technology, LLC, Redline Communications, and roundtable moderator Peter Murray from Dense Networks, Robert was in great company and contributed to the panel with timely, valuable information leveraging his thought leadership and what Hylan Companies are doing as our team continues with our essential projects and maintenance in order to ensure that we as a nation can all remain connected.
We are living in unprecedented times, meaning the way we execute and plan Smart City and IoT projects will drastically change going forward. Not only are we living differently now, but what will our “new normal” look like post COVID-19?
Watch the roundtable discussing the Impact of COVID-19 on smart cities here: