Hylan Chairman of the Board Robert DiLeo will be participating in a Virtual Roundtable titled “In-Building Wireless Trends and the Transformative Impact of 5G”. The roundtable, hosted by Connected2Fiber, will take place on Oct. 29 at 1pm ET. DiLeo will be joined by Ben Edmond, Founder and CEO of Connected2Fiber; Kevin Rocks, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing of South Reach Networks and Sam Pratt, CEO of Render.

The roundtable will focus on in-building wireless coverage and how the promise of faster connections with 5G will affect it. In-building is rapidly becoming a major wireless trend with predicted growth rates of up to 15% over the next five years. The panel will discuss the implications of this growth, how 5G is expected to advance this technology even further and the impacts of these combined advancements on applications and infrastructure.

DiLeo’s thorough understanding of telecommunications infrastructure construction allows him to offer a unique perspective to this discussion. In addition, his familiarity with construction projects that involve in-building and 5G enables him to offer insightful predictions and set realistic expectations for this evolving technology. Join him and the rest of the panelists for what is sure to be an informative discussion.

To register for the roundtable discussion, click here.

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